Thursday, October 29, 2009

Roselind Reisner On Five Writers Talking About their Books

From left to right: Rosalind Reisner (co-moderator), C.M. Mayo, Julie Metz, Eva Hoffman, Christina Baker Kline, Roxana Robinson, and Miriam Tuliao (co-moderator).

Over at her excellent blog, "A Reader's Place," Rosalind Reisner gives the full report on the recent Womens National Book Association panel in celebration of National Reading Group Month. She includes a note about my novel, The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire, as well as new works by Roxana Robinson (Cost), Eva Hoffman (Apassionata), Julie Metz (Perfection), and Christina Baker-Kline (Bird in Hand). It was an honor and a delight to participate. More anon.

UPDATE: And here's what Marian Schembari has to say about this extraordinary evening over at Marian Librarian.