Monday, July 22, 2019

Q & A: Eric Barnes on "Above the Ether" and Turning It All Off

By C.M. Mayo
This blog posts on Mondays. This year the fourth Monday of the month is devoted to a Q & A with a fellow writer.

It was about a decade ago that I first came across Eric Barnes‘ work, when we both had novels with Unbridled Books– his was a dark comedy about high tech, Shimmer. Now I am delighted to learn about his latest, just out from Arcade Publishing: Above the Ether. It promises to be an exceptionally good read. Booklist says: “Barnes’ spare and chilling prose flows from one horrific scene to another without, surprisingly, alienating his readers, perhaps because the heart of his narrative ultimately reveals an abiding faith in the power of human compassion. A first-rate apocalyptic page-turner.”