Women Writing the West: A Wilder Rose Goes to the Library
One of the best things I have done for myself in the past year is join Women Writing the West. As a writer born in El Paso, Texas, raised in northern California and now, though living in Mexico City, writing about Far West Texas, for me, it's a perfect fit. The listserv discussions and the blog-- anyone can read the Women Writing the West blog, do check it out-- have been invaluable. And some of the most useful information for me, as I embark on my adventures in publishingMetaphysical Odyssey Into the Mexican Revolution, has come from WWW member Susan Wittig Albert. Today on the WWW blog Susan shares her tips for shepherding a self-published book into libraries. As an ex-literary journal editor and previous self-publisher (with The Visitors / Los Visitantes), I can tell you, dear reader, getting self-published books into libraries is truly a species of alchemy. Herewith the arcanum:
The Wilder Rose Goes to the Library
By Susan Wittig Albert
I’ve been writing traditionally-published fiction and nonfiction for nearly three decades. But this year, I decided to publish a stand-alone novel—A Wilder Rose—under my own imprint, Persevero Press. All things considered, I’m glad I chose to take this route, but there have been bumps. A few potholes. Big trees across the road. Getting the book into libraries, for example... CONTINUE READING