I'll be participating on a panel about historical fiction in the Washington Writer’s Conference, sponsored by the American Independent Writers Aasociation (AIW) and The Writer’s Center, at the Writer’s Center, 4508 Walsh Street, Bethesda, MD 20815
Saturday, June 11, 2011 from 9 a.m. to: 6:30 p.m.
Morning Sessions:
Session I: Literary Agents Roundtable - covering both the nonfiction and fiction market
Session II: Marketing Your Work - How-to lessons from leading publicists
Session III: Mysteries and Thrillers - Writing and publishing tips from published pros
Catered Luncheon with Address by John Ross, Executive Editor of American Heritage Magazine, former senior editor of Smithsonian, and bestselling non-fiction author of War on the Run.
Afternoon Sessions:
Session IV: Writing for Movies and TV – crafting and selling a screenplay
Session V: Connecting with a live audience – be a great live reader of your own work
Session VI: Historical Narrative –seasoned writers show to bring the past alive
Networking wine reception – meet, chat, and drink with other writers
First 50 attendees to register for conference may sign up for a ten-minute meeting with a literary agent.
For more information about pricing and how to register, visit www.amerindywriters.org/ or www.writer.org
More anon.