I founded Dancing Chiva Literary Arts a few years ago for my writing workshops in Mexico City; now it also publishes e-books and limited editions on Bajacaliforniana, Maximiliana, works for writers, and works by Yours Truly... No, I certainly have not given up on my publishers (most recently, Grijalbo Random House-Mondadori and Unbridled Books)--- but I will be publishing some of my own e-books (Kindle and iBook editions) as well as some works by others that deserve a readership, but do not enjoy the commercial potential for the rigamarole-o-rama of distributing to bricks-and-mortar bookstores. (One of these is Marie de la Fere's never-before-published memoir of Maximilian. Stay tuned.)
So what do you get when you join the Dancing Chiva Literary Arts Club-- aside from the free e-book? Basically, a newsletter sent to your e-mail some 5 - 6 times per year (and very probably less often) with news, discounts, offers, bodacious links, and more. I aim to make the newsletter something you'll relish receiving-- the kind of surfable fun to save for when you have a sandwich at your desk. (Yes, there will be podcasts and book arts links.)
P.S. I don't share the e-mails on the mailing list with anyone, and I use mailchimp.com, a leading e-mail newsletter service, which allows you to opt out instantly, anytime.
To sign up and / or download the e-book, just click here. Once you sign up, you'll automatically receive the link to download the PDF and the password to read it.