Ye olde home page,, which got started back in the Paleolithic, I mean, the summer of 1999, has been undergoing some super seismic shifts, one of which is a re-do of the Workshop page. It even has a new name: For Creative Writers.
This is a page that I began over a decade ago for my workshop students at the Writer's Center (just outside Washington DC in Bethesda MD). It also served a class I gave at the Johns Hopkins Part-Time Writing Program, and later, workshops in Mexico City and for the San Miguel Writers Conference.
I've added to it through the years always with the goal of helping my students-- and myself, for in teaching and writing, I also learn.
The menu now offers:
+ HOME PAGE which includes a brief welcome and a bit about the "Orphic journey."
Info about my one day only Saturday October 11, 2014 Literary Travel Writing workshop at the Writer's Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
Books on Craft
Books on Creative Process
Literary Travel Memoirs
War and Peace (Yeah! A whole blog about just that!)

Tips and articles galore
And 364 More Free 5 Minute Writing Exercises
+ And the sign-up for my NEWSLETTER.
More news soon about the podcasts, including Conversations with Other Writers and Marfa Mondays.
YOUR COMMENTS are always welcome.