Writes Wendi Kaufman in her blog, The Happy Booker: "Often overshadowed by politics and powerbrokers, I am happy to report the literary scene is very much alive and kicking here in D.C." Her post is about Richard Peabody's fab-fab-fab anthology
Enhanced Gravity: More Fiction by Washington Area Women, which includes her superb short story, "Adulterer's Delight." Wendi's fiction has also appeared in
The New Yorker, Other Voices, and elsewhere, and she frequently writes for the
Washington Post. Last month, she published a lengthy and much-talked about article on the DC Literary Scene in the
The Washingtonian. Speaking of the DC literary scene, it would be sad indeed without the (just over the Maryland border) Bethesda
Writers Center. I'm offering a special one day
literary travel writing workshop there next Sunday. More anon.