Yesterday on her blog, Tayari Jones, author of the much-lauded novel Leaving Atlanta, interviewed her New York City-based Internet publicist, the brilliant and hardworking Lauren Cerand--- I know Lauren is brilliant and hardworking because she was my publicist for my audio CD
"The Essential Francisco Sosa or, Picadou's Mexico City." (A portion of all sales of my CD go to benefit
Presencia Animal, a Mexico City dog and cat rescue organization. They're doing desperately needed work.) And on the subject of PR, two blogs I highly recommend to my fellow book floggers: Joan Stewart's
Publicity Hound and M.J. Rose's
Buzz, Balls & Hype.
Peter Handel is one of my very favorite book publicists--- he's worked on
Miraculous Air,
Tameme, and
Mexico: A Traveler's Literary Companion--- and yep, he's got a blog,
Rejection Is My Middle Name. Such is the life in the book biz... I guess... but Peter seems to be
having a good time in Oaxaca... More anon.