This is the audio CD I recently released: "The Essential Francisco Sosa or, Picadou's Mexico City,"my reading of my essay in
Creative Nonfiction. It's been such an interesting experience to do a CD, and now that I am putting together the first
Tameme Chapbook, and blogging, I'm fascinated by other "delivery systems," as Copper Canyon's Director of Marketing and Sales, Joseph Bednarik, puts it. "Beyond the Book" is the title of my panel proposal for next year's
Associated Writing Programs Conference. Here's the idea:
The music industry experienced a major revolution in the distribution of content. What are the lessons for publishers and creative writers trying to deliver words to an audience? Are books the be-all and end-all "delivery system"? This panel examines a variety of content delivery systems, including websites, podcasts, audio CDs, DVDs, and "vidlit", as well as time-tested print technologies such as chapbooks, pamphlets, and broadsides. Panel participants discuss the benefits, costs, synergies, and suprises of publishing in these ways.
Nancy Zafris,
Richard Peabody, Joseph Bednarik,
Richard Beban,
Urayoan Noel,
et moi. Let's see if this one gets accepted. Wish us luck.