Yes, dog is God spelled backwards. I recently released an
audio CD about my dog:
"The Essential Francisco Sosa or, Picadou's Mexico City", a reading of my essay in
Creative Nonfiction. After having published
books and a
literary journal, it's been an interesting experience to do an
audio CD, and at just the moment when blogs are taking off as a review venue (on that subject, check out Scott Esposito's "Friday Column" over at his litblog,
Conversational Reading). One of the things I did to help promote the audio CD was guest blogging the column "If I Had an ipod" for Wendi Kaufman's
The Happy Booker. Several other blogs mentioned the
audio CD-- not only "litblogs," but blogs on travel, fashion, and dogs. Here are a few:
AnimaMundi ~ Gridskipper ~Just My Cup of Tea ~Moleskinerie ~ 3rd House Journal~Insurgent Muse~
Blue Poppy~Fashion Tribes
A portion of all sales of this CD benefit
Presencia Animal, a Mexico City dog and cat rescue organization. Just yesterday, I got word they rescued a black pug.