Dupont Circle's Big Hunt Club... for The Happy Booker and the LitBlog Coop's Book Expo America celebration.... Roughly in order of their appearance to
moi: Tim Wendel,
Leslie Pietryk,
William O'Sullivan, Liz Poliner, Wendi Kaufman (
The Happy Booker), publicist
Lauren Cerand looking comfy on the sofa, next to red-haired Carolyn Kellogg (
Pinky's Paperhaus podcast),
Bookdwarf and Matthew Cheney
(Mumpsimus) and Bud Parr (
Chekhov's Mistress) and Lizzie Skurnick (
Old Hag) and C. Max Magee (
The Millions) and Mark Sarvas (
Elegant Variation). I'm one of the newer bloggers. Anyone who began blogging back in 2003 is too cool for school. The name of what's going on here is "disintermediation," and it sure is interesting. I predict that next year's bash will be twice the size, and with name tags. (For my other posts on "Gone to the Litblogs" click
here, and