I am still trying to get my mind around blogs-- who is blogging, and what's worth reading? Dan Wickett, one of the first and best literary bloggers, recently posted an
"E-panel" discussion with nine litbloggers. He writes: "They range from individual story critiquing, to discussions of books read, to looks at literary journals, to general pop culture with a slant towards books. All worth your time each day or two." The nine litblogs are:
Short Story Craft
What Blows My Skirt Up
Syntax of Things
Perpetual Folly
Katrina Denza: Illuminate; Ruminate; Create
Books for Breakfast, Drinks for Dinner
I Read a Short Story Today.
Madam Mayo's verdict:
Katrina Denza's is the best of this bunch. (For more about litblogs, see my 4/5/06 post
"What's Tops on Novelist Leslie Pietrzyk's Hit List" and my 4/20/06 post
"Beltway's List of Litblogs of DC and Environs."